a professional license to practice in Indiana or any other place across the country is by no means an easy task. You need to invest a lot of your time, money, and energy into studying and getting the necessary qualifications required to enter into your desired profession be it accounting, nursing, medicine, pharmacy, or any other professional field.
After successfully becoming board certified in your respective field, you may feel confident that nothing can go wrong with your career but this is not the case as many professionals come to learn. Complaints made against qualified and licensed professionals have the potential to completely derail their careers.
Luckily, we are here to defend the rights of professionals in Indiana who may be at risk of losing their licenses due to various reasons. At Rathburn Law, we work tirelessly to ensure that our clients are properly represented in any legal proceedings, investigations, and board hearings that may have an impact on their ability to work legally within the state.
Call our law firm today on 317.671.8965 to learn more about how we can help you avoid temporarily or permanently losing your professional license.
Process of Complaints and Investigation By Professional Licensing Boards
First and foremost, it’s important to learn the role of professional licensing boards in various professional fields. Professional licensing boards are tasked with the duty of handling the accreditation and licensing of professionals in various fields such as medicine, law, accounting, pharmacy, and many others.
Now, during the course of their work, a professional may get a complaint lodged against them with the professional licensing board that gave them a license to operate. Such complaints are usually treated seriously considering the sensitive nature of some of the professions involved. Professional licensing boards are required by law to investigate any and all complaints made against licensed professionals in their field.
Upon receiving notice that a complaint has been made against you, you may be required to stop working until the matter is successfully resolved. At this point, it’s highly recommended that you enlist the help of a professional license defense attorney who will make sure that due process is followed and that your professional license is not suspended or revoked because of unfair or unjust claims.
Impact of Criminal Convictions on a Professional License
Criminal convictions can have a negative impact on your professional license depending on the circumstances of your case and the severity of the crime. Each professional licensing board has its own unique guidelines and codes of conduct that they require its members to follow.
For instance, the board of certified public accountants requires that licensed professionals do not engage in any misappropriation of company, client, or government funds. A criminal conviction that arises from committing any fraud or misconduct can lead to your license being suspended or terminated.
It’s important to highlight any previous criminal history you may have when applying for a professional license. Having a criminal record does not disqualify you from getting a professional license. However, your licensing board may take into consideration whether or not you served time and how long ago was the criminal conviction.
All in all, if you are planning to apply for a professional license and are concerned that your criminal record may affect the rate of your success, contact our law firm today to get sound and accurate legal advice.
Activities that Put Your Professional License at Risk
It goes without saying that there are certain activities or behaviors that can put your professional license at risk. Gross misconduct and committing fraud are just some of the activities that can get you in trouble with your respective professional licensing board. This does not mean that your license will be automatically suspended or revoked if you are found guilty of such activities.
At Rathburn Law, we always advise our clients to stay on the right side of the law. It is always better to be safe than sorry. However, this does not mean that professionals are not subject to unjust or unfounded complaints from different quarters.
To help you avoid losing your license, here are some of the activities you should avoid engaging in:
- Embezzling funds
- Prescribing medications and drugs illegally
- Fraud
- Practicing under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other controlled substances
- Theft
- Physical assault
- Medical malpractice or negligence
- Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other controlled substances
- Gross misconduct
As you can tell, most if not all of the above activities can get you into trouble not only with your professional licensing board but with the authorities as well. We strongly advise against engaging in any suspicious or unsanctioned behavior if you wish to keep your professional license.
How Can an Attorney Help You Defend Your License?
When facing any form of investigation or disciplinary proceedings, it’s extremely crucial that you have the right legal expertise to guide you through the entire process. A professional license defense lawyer will hold your hand throughout the entire period, from the time a complaint is made against you right up to the point when a hearing is conducted to determine the validity of claims made against you.
Many professionals today lose their licenses due to unfair claims and complaints made by malicious, careless, or reckless individuals who only care about their best interests. At Rathburn Law, we can help you fight any unfounded claims and investigations to prove that you are innocent so that you can continue with your work without any obstacles.
Our professional license defense lawyers will help you with all aspects of your cases including:
- Investigating complaints
- Gathering of evidence
- Representing you during the hearing
- Negotiating any fines that you have to pay during settlement
- Help with reinstating your suspended or revoked license
Professionals We Help
We help a wide range of professionals with licensing issues in UIPUI, Indianapolis such as:
- Accountants
- Doctors
- Lawyers
- Nurses
- Pharmacists
There are various consequences that can arise from a professional licensing board investigation like suspension of licensing, probation, administrative penalties, fines, and revocation of your professional licenses. At Rathburn La, we have the necessary expertise and experience to handle a wide variety of professional license defense cases.
If you are at risk of losing your license and are worried about the consequences this may have on your job and career, contact us today and we will do everything possible to ensure that you do not lose your license.
Contact An IUPUI Professional License Defense Attorney
Having a competent lawyer by your side to help protect both your legal rights and professional license is a smart move. Administrative laws vary from state to state, and you need an experienced and highly-skilled lawyer who understands the regulations that govern your field as well as how to deal with your respective licensing board in the event of a dispute.
At Rathburn Law, we all types of professionals to retain their licenses especially when those licenses are under threat from unfair or unfounded complaints and claims. You are under no obligation to represent yourself in any formal hearing that may result in your professional license being suspended or revoked.
We know how to take apart cases, gather the relevant evidence, question witness and create a strong defense against any and all allegations of professional misconduct or white-collar crime.
If you are looking for honest, competent, and experienced attorneys who will do their best to protect your interest, look no further than Rathburn Law.
Call us today on 317.671.8965 to learn more about our IUPUI professional license defense attorney services.